French Expressions used with the verb to have (avoir) while in English the verb to be (être) is used.

English speakers often use the verb être when they should be using the verb avoir. This is an easy and common mistake to make. French people say things differently. For instance: j’ai faim (literaly means I have hunger) strange! in English you say: I am hungry, which is why students often say je suis faim. So you need to practise thinking in French like native speakers do. To help you master the French language, I have listed some expressions used with the verb to have while in English you use the verb to be.

Avoir …. ans (To be …. years old)
Avoir chaud (To be hot)
Avoir froid (To be cold)
Avoir faim (To be hungry)
Avoir soif (To be thirsty)
Avoir peur (To be afraid)
Avoir de la chance (To be lucky)
Avoir raison (To be right)
Avoir tort (To be wrong)
Avoir sommeil (To be sleepy)
Avoir honte de (To be ashamed of)
Avoir le mal de mer (To be seasick)